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Alumni associations of the faculties

The HHU has a total of five highly competent faculties. They all work hard to keep in touch with their alumni – through friends networks, graduate associations and support groups.

Faculty Alumni association
Faculty of Arts and Humanities

FörderLink e. V.
Alumni association for former linguistics students

Alumni Service des Anglistischen Instituts
Alumni association of the Department of English and American Studies

Kreis der Freunde des Instituts für Kunstgeschichte der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf e. V.
Alumni association for former art history students

Alumni-Netzwerk für Kunstvermittler/innen
Alumni association for former art mediation students

Freundeskreis Geschichte Heinrich-Heine-Universität e. V.
Alumni association for former history students

ALUMNI SOWIso! Alumni association of the Department of Social Sciences

Faculty of Buisness Administration and Economics

Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Düsseldorf e.V.

Alumni Association of the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics

Düsseldorfer Business School Alumni an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität e.V.

Alumni asscociation of the Düsseldorf Business School

Faculty of Law

Freundeskreis der Düsseldorfer Juristischen Fakultät e. V.
Alumni association of the Faculty of Law

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Alumni der Pharmazie an der HHU Düsseldorf
Alumni association for former pharmacy students

Gemeinschaft Düsseldorfer Wirtschaftschemiker e. V.
Alumni association for former business chemistry students

Alumni-Netzwerk der Physik
Alumni association for former physics students

Faculty of Medicine Alumni-Netzwerk Medizin
Alumni association of the Faculty of Medicine
Alumni initiatives of other associations at HHU  

Friends association of HHU’s student orchestra and choir




University Orchestra


University Choir

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